Business Notes

Support Global Outreach Serving Trips

Students and alumni have been selected for the 2020 Global Outreach Serving Trips. Now they begin the work of building their teams and raising the funds they need to successfully assist the communities they will serve. To support this year’s teams, visit You can give to an individual or to a team through GroupGIVE.

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Nominate Faculty and Staff for the Distinguished Christ-Like Servant Award

As you reflect on the last 12 months, please recall when you observed a coworker displaying exceptional customer service as it is time for staff and faculty submissions for the Distinguished Christ-Like Servant Award! We ask that employees submit nominations to their University Cabinet member by October 16. The nomination must contain a description of

Nominate Faculty and Staff for the Distinguished Christ-Like Servant Award Read More

Have you found yourself asking these questions?

Is it possible that things can be different? Does anyone really want to listen to what I’m going through? Why can’t I just get over this? Does anyone really see me? Are you struggling with relationships, anxiety, trauma, addiction, self-esteem, time management, finances or other personal issues? Are you feeling overwhelmed, sad, ashamed, scared, lonely,

Have you found yourself asking these questions? Read More

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2019-2020 Available

The Judson University Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2019-2020 has been released, and includes information on safety and security policies as well as crime and fire safety statistics as required by the Clery Act, the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. If you have any

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2019-2020 Available Read More

Two Important Policies for the Judson Community

As a recipient of federal aid and federal grants, Judson University certifies under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 that it will take steps to provide a drug-free workplace and educational environment. The possession, use, consumption, sale, dispensing, distribution or manufacture of alcohol or controlled substances

Two Important Policies for the Judson Community Read More

Room Name Change

Judson has changed the location of the Alumni Room, which had been located in the Fitness Center near the entrance. Now the Alumni Room is located in the University Center in what had been called Didier’s Den. The room in the Fitness Center will now be called Classroom 100, Fitness Center. The Alumni Room will

Room Name Change Read More

Go Online to Take Part in Judson’s On-Campus Job Fair

Campus departments and community employers have sent the Career Office part-time job openings for new and returning traditional students. If you need an on-campus job for the fall, look at the list by going to MyJudson, find Student Success (may be under the “more” tab), then click Online Career Services to find Online On-Campus Job Fair at the bottom

Go Online to Take Part in Judson’s On-Campus Job Fair Read More

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