• Payment in full is due for FALL2023
• Second Payment is due on 5-month (July – November) FALL2023 Payment Plan
• First Payment is due on 4-month (August – November)
As we prepare for the FALL 2023 semester, now is the time to make sure everything (medical insurance waiver, financial aid, housing) is completed by August 1 or before you move into the dorms, whichever occurs first. If you were on a five-month plan previously, you can make a payment now that will be applied when the new system is fully operational. You will need to apply for a 4-month payment plan for the remaining balance for the remaining 4 months, August – November.
Need Help Paying the Balance Due?
• Apply for a Parent PLUS loan. Available to parents of dependent students. Approval requires passing a credit check. Parent PLUS loans are loans that the parent takes out for the student’s benefit. The parent needs to use their FAFSA login when applying, as they are the borrower. If your parent is approved for the parent PLUS loan, they will also need to complete the online PLUS loan master promissory note.
• You and a cosigner may obtain a private loan. These loans require a credit-worthy co-signer and approval from the lender. Visit Elm Select at www.elmselect.com to view the many options for obtaining fixed or variable loans to cover tuition. Select Judson University for the school.
• You and a cosigner may obtain a loan from KCT Credit Union in Elgin, Illinois at https://www.kctcu.org; phone 888-741-3344.
Be sure to let them know you are a Judson student or parent of a Judson student who is interested in both a financial checkup and obtaining financing for the remaining student account balance.
• There is a $60 payplan fee added to your account each term a payplan is requested. The payplan fee is non-refundable.
• Four-month FALL payplan payments begin August 1 – November 1