Judson’s Senior Scholar-Athletes Can Apply for Fellowship

Judson senior athletes have access to apply for scholarship funding through a partnership with the Associated Colleges of Illinois. The ACI PROLIFIC Fellowship for Athletes, which is funded by Fiducient Advisors, is accepting applications from students from ACI colleges, which includes Judson University. Students must be full-time undergraduate senior athletes attending an ACI member institution during Fall 2023.

To submit an application, students must complete this application in its entirety by 11:50 p.m. on July 15, 2023. 

This includes uploading one reference letter from a coach or administrator that contains a character statement on who you are as a student and as a teammate.

Visit the ACI website here and apply. Coaches and staff, please forward this message to students who may be eligible for this unique opportunity! See the video defining what it means to be part of this program.

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