Early April Recitals:  Merit and Chamber Singers

Please join us for the Merit Recital on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 p.m. in Thulin Auditorium. Twelve students have been selected to perform, including Jade Bundhund (voice), Katelynn Clinton (voice), John Francis (voice), Emma Gerrits (guitar), Christian GonzalezHorstmann (voice), Eva Grinter (piano), Grace Kraidich (voice), Marina Menconi (piano), Ezequiel Navarro (oboe), Lexi Sanders (cello), Jack Sanders (snare), and Philip Sasso (piano). 

Two nights later, on Thursday, April 13,  the Chamber Singers will perform under the direction of Dr. Josh Jones at 7 p.m. in Thulin Auditorium.  Light refreshments will be served following both recitals. We hope you are able to attend and support our students at one or both of these excellent music events.

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