More than 20 Judson students, staff, and alumni will participate in a service trip to San Antonio, Belize this Spring Break. San Antonio is a small village containing about 300 people. The team will be led by President Gene Crume and Spirit Squad Coach Bonnie Bienert. The team will leave on Friday, March 3, and return to Judson on Sunday, March 12.
The team will lead a Vacation Bible School Experience for approximately 60 children in the village. The teenagers in the village will be invited to a Leadership and Soccer Clinic led by Men’s Assistant Soccer Coach Dani Isaza. The Construction Team members will replace the roof on one of only two church structures in the entire community.
Education Professor Kristen Stombres will lead a team of students to teach at the one and only Elementary School in the village. Before retiring to the Hurricane Shelter for some much-needed nightly rest, the Belize Team will definitely participate in nightly volleyball games with the top volleyball players in the village. Bragging rights are on the line and the games can become quite competitive.
Please pray that the Belize Team will make a Kingdom difference in the hearts of the villagers. Pray for safe travels and the safe return of the team. Finally, pray that God will spiritually shape the hearts of our students, staff, and alumni.