The Residence Halls will close over the winter break. All residents must be out of their rooms, with their key turned in to their resident director by Saturday, December 10 at 5 p.m. Residence halls will re-open on January 10 at 9 a.m. Students can report back to their hall and retrieve their key from residence life staff anytime after 9 a.m.
Winter Break Checkout Process:
Students may leave items in their rooms over the winter break period if they opt to stay in their current room for the spring semester. Unless indicated otherwise, we will assume you intend to remain in your current room. To check out of your room at Winter Break, students will be given a key envelope at their end-of-the-semester mandatory meeting. They should place their key in the envelope and turn it into the black key box placed outside of the Resident Director’s doors. Please make sure your student turns their key to avoid getting fined.
Residence Life will conduct room checks the week prior to finals to make sure that rooms are thoroughly cleaned before leaving for the month. Prior to leaving, however, students should ensure that their rooms are clean and tidy and that any items they will need during the break come with them as all residence hall doors will be locked while the university is closed. Students will not have access to their things in the Residence Halls during this time. Students should also make sure that no perishable or open food items are left in their rooms or in their fridges.