Join us for Judson’s Annual Founders’ Day Chapel taking place on Friday, October 21, at 10:00 a.m. in Herrick Chapel. Students: Classes that typically begin at 11 a.m. following chapel will continue as planned. This service will be one-hour in length, so students are encouraged to head directly to class as soon as Chapel has ended.
This year’s featured speaker will be Rev. Huron Claus, President of CHIEF, Inc. Huron Claus is a fifth-generation follower of Jesus Christ. He comes
from the Mohawk/Kiowa tribes of New York and Oklahoma. The Claus Indian family has ministered through evangelism and music in Native communities and villages across North, Central, and South America. The mission of CHIEF is to disciple and train a strong Native Christian leadership in the Word of God, who will practically impact their communities for the glory of God.
During the service, nationally recognized leader in Higher Education Dr. Thomas C. Meredith will receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Judson University. The honorary degree is conferred on a person who has distinguished themselves in the political realm, or in the fields of Business or public service.
Judson will also recognize alumnus Devlin Donaldson ’79 with the Golden Eagle Award, the university’s highest award for service, during a private luncheon following chapel. Donaldson currently serves as President/CEO of VisionTrust International, a small, child development organization in Colorado Springs. VisionTrust operates in 11 countries helping over 10,000 children. Donaldson lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Carol. They have one daughter, Maria, who is a recent Judson Alumni with a degree in Marketing.