Judson University will honor Alumni Devlin Donaldson ’79 with the Golden Eagle Award for his dedication and service to the university during a private Founders’ Day Luncheon on October 21. The Golden Eagle Award is the university’s highest service award.

Donaldson graduated in 1979 with a degree in Human Relations from Judson University. He has a decades-long career of vision, breakthrough ideas, high impact, and leadership experience in both the not-for-profit and for-profit worlds. After earning his master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, he joined Compassion International where he led the development of Compassion’s music artist program and its sponsor ministry division. He reorganized several large segments of the ministry and served on the President’s cabinet as Director of Marketing and Development. In 2001, Donaldson and his business partner founded The Elevation Group, a Growth Consulting firm based in Colorado Springs. From 2015-2018, Donaldson returned to serve at his alma mater, Judson University, as Senior Vice President of External Relations. He led projects focused on donor development, including providing leadership for the World Leaders Forum and the WLF Inspirational Series.
In July of 2018, Donaldson returned to his roots, accepting the position of President/CEO of VisionTrust International where he currently serves. A small child development organization in Colorado Springs, VisionTrust operates in 11 countries helping over 10,000 children. Donaldson lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Carol. They have one daughter, Maria, who is a recent Judson Alumni with a degree in Marketing.
Judson’s Founders’ Day celebration will include a gathering of Judson’s Fox Valley Spiritual Council in the morning, before the chapel featuring Rev. Huron. The 10 a.m. chapel event with Rev. Huron Claus will be broadcast live on YouTube as well as in-person for the Judson community. The luncheon featuring Donaldson is by invitation only.