Judson’s Communications Office is offering three different times for training on the new Judson WordPress Website on Thursday, September 29, in the Computer Lab of the Benjamin P. Browne Library. Faculty and staff must have the approval of their department chair to access the site and be trained on the site before they are issued a username and password. Sign-up for this Introductory Training is needed by the end of the day, Tuesday, Sept. 27 to attend.
Topics covered in this Introductory Website Training will include:
- Sign-on, security measures, and access
- Orientation about the WordPress site
- Where to find what
- How to make Changes
- How to update bio info and add directory photos
- Joining the JU Website User Group to access documentation and training tools
Future training sessions will be held in October, November, January, and March and will cover these topics:
- Photos and managing graphics
- Adding stories, slideshows, videos, and testimonials
- Calendar, events, and news
- Tagging photos
- SEO and metadata
- Tracking and data
If you have changes, corrections, or additional sections you would like to make to your area of the website, please submit those to [email protected]. They will be completed on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have questions regarding the website, please contact Mary Dulabaum at 847.628.2089.