As we resume campus activities this fall we wanted to provide an update to the campus on Judson’s policy and procedures in regards to COVID-19. Although we no longer require the campus community to wear masks in all indoor campus spaces, some faculty members and employees may still wear masks and may ask students to wear masks in their classrooms or office spaces.
For confirmed COVID-19 positive cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends staying home and isolating away from others for at least five days for cases where symptoms are mild. The individual can resume normal activities after the fifth day if symptoms are improving and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication, but they should wear a mask around others until the tenth day of symptom onset.
Judson University strongly recommends persons who have symptoms of any contagious illness, including COVID-19, to return home to isolate and recover. If this creates a hardship please reach out to Student Life.
The CDC no longer recommends quarantine for persons who have been exposed to COVID-19. The CDC does recommend masking around others for 10 days following exposure for persons who are not fully vaccinated, and also recommends that persons who are not fully vaccinated be tested for COVID-19 after day five.
For absences from class due to medical reasons and making up missed classwork, students are expected to communicate directly with their professors. Health Services can assist with notifying faculty of a student’s out-of-class status due to COVID-19 isolation if the student provides Health Services with a positive lab test result for COVID-19.