Judson will once again be offering Summer and May Term housing. Students will receive a link to an application in their email. Space will be limited, so please fill out the application if you intend to stay on campus for the summer as soon as possible.
The pricing for May and Summer term housing is below:
May Term: $162/week
Multiple Occupancy Summer (which includes May Term if you intend to stay for the entire summer including the month of May): $1,500 for the summer.
Single Occupancy Summer: $2,500
Students can set up a payment plan for summer housing through the student accounts office. Students must have a balance of $0 in order to be approved to live on campus over the summer.
All full summer residents will reside in Volkman Hall. May term residents will stay in the room you were in for the Spring term and will be required to move out by May 27 at 5 p.m.