Students Accounts would love to contact you! Do we have your correct address?
If you’re continuing your program, we’d love to be able to provide you with campus happenings, 1098-T tax forms, and other information to share with you and your family. If you’re leaving or graduating: Diplomas are sent to your address on file, as are 1098-T tax forms and helpful alumni information will come to you via the U.S. mail. If you leave with a balance, we need to stay in contact with you until your balance is paid in full.
Note: Your address and other contact information does NOT get sold, leased, or rented out to marketing firms unless you’ve given us approval. To check your address and make updates:
Login to MyJudson (myjudson.judsonu.edu)
Click on your picture in the upper right-hand corner
‘Click on My Profile & Settings
Click Contact Information
Click the Down Arrow on the Address tab
Click Current Address
Make any updates and Save
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!