Judson University will host “A Day at Judson,” featuring educators Tanny McGregor and Trevor Bryan. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 22 in the Lindner Campus Commons. During the seminar, McGregor and Bryan will highlight reading comprehension techniques.
The morning workshops will be segmented with McGregor presenting to educators who instruct students in K-3 grades and Bryan focusing on educators teaching to students in grades 4-12.
McGregor’s presentation will explore how students express themselves through notetaking or sketching. The session will identify the research and benefits surrounding these techniques and health educators launch into practice and develop content areas focused in these styles. Bryan will share a student-friendly approach to teaching comprehension that is grounded in visual texts to support non-readers, emerging readers and striving readers. He will share how these approaches will support students as writers and help writers generate workable story ideas, use structure effectively and show, not tell, in their writing.
The event is sponsored by Judson University’s Master of Education in Literacy, which offers further educational opportunities to educators. Among its many distinctive attributes, the program can be completed in just over a year and allows for a focus on practical classroom instruction. Classes are designed to fit the lives of busy working professionals, offering night and weekend classes.
To learn more about A Day At Judson, visit: http://www.judsonu.edu/ADayatJudson/