Assistant Professor and Pastor to Staff and Faculty Elliott Anderson has published a book about the principles and life perspectives of his father, the late Dr. Simon V. Anderson. Dr. Simon V. Anderson was a beloved Professor of Music at the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music for more than 40 years. His life-lessons and inspiration went well beyond the classroom as Dr. Simon Anderson was an accomplished entertainer, performer, conductor, composer, director, author, and speaker. Professor Elliott Anderson’s book, “Simon Says: Principles and Perspectives from Dr. Simon V. Anderson,” shares how his father overcame hardship and challenge and inspired thousands through his joy, passion, and teaching.
Dr. Simon Anderson’s influence has certainly blessed Judson University.
“My father also was a music minister at an American Baptist church in downtown Cincinnati and brought Judson’s Reach Out groups in the 1970s to our house for food and encouragement, and often they would spend the night. [This was] highly influential for Warren as a young musician,” Elliott notes. It also was instrumental in Dr. Simon Anderson sending his children, Dr. Warren Anderson ‘86, Professor Elliott Anderson ‘89, and Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell ‘92 to Judson for their college years. Today, each of the Anderson alumni bless our community as they live out the lessons learned from their father and mother. Both Elliott and Warren bring a vital ministry and a love for the Lord to students as they continue their professional careers as faculty at Judson University.
To purchase a copy of Professor Elliott Anderson’s book, visit