Join us the week of October 5-10 for Judson’s first BIPOC Week brought to you by JSO and BSU. The week will serve as a time to empower and promote awareness for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color on Judson University’s campus through communal events that support and celebrate customs and traditions of BIPOC communities on and off-campus. Monday through Saturday, the following events will occur:
Monday, October 5
The Taste of Elgin
The Fitness Center, 5-7 p.m.
Judson Students and Staff are invited to meet members of local BIPOC-owned businesses and restaurants as they enjoy the food and culture of the Elgin area.
Tuesday, October 6
Lincoln Avenue Barber Shop Haircuts
Wilson Hall Lounge, 1-3 p.m.
Students are invited to get a FREE haircut from Lincoln Avenue Barber Shop!
Sponsored by JSO.
VOICES Panel Discussion – RESCHEDULED for a later date
A time for students and staff members to come together as a university to best support BIPOC and minority students.
Wednesday, October 7
Student Pop-Up Shop
HAWAC 1st Floor, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Sell and promote your business!
Contact VP of Student Advocacy Damaryan Benton ([email protected]) and JSO President Nikki Dobson ([email protected]) for a table.
Thursday, October 8
BSU Showcase
Chapel, 6:30 – 9 p.m.
BSU wants to hear your voice! Come on out to our Showcase and share a poem, spoken word, a song, a video, or even a dance! Sponsored by JSO.
Friday, October 9
Poster Making in the JSO Office
JSO Office, 10-11 a.m.
Come on down to the JSO Office to pick up a poster board to design a poster for the Prayer and Remembrance Walk! Supplies will be provided by JSO.
Get Out Movie Night
Upper Commons Lawn 7-10 p.m.
Watch Jordan Peele’s Thriller, Get Out, and enjoy Mama Lee’s Gourmet Popcorn!
Saturday, October 10
Prayer and Remembrance Walk
Outside Locations, 7-9 p.m.
Join as we walk together as a community, honoring and respecting BIPOC traditions, and the lives of our lost brothers and sisters at the hands of police brutality.
Watch for details to be sent from JSO on the location of this.
Throughout the week…
BIPOC Art Gallery
HAWAC 1st Floor
Got artwork? Come see BIPOC student’s artwork on campus!
All funds will be donated to Elgin Creatives of Color!
Click on the following link to sign-up and display your artwork:
Black lives matter.