Effective August 17, staff, faculty, and student workers are no longer required to complete the Daily COVID-19 Certification. In its place is a one-time Personal Health Screening form which will be held confidentially by the HR Department and stored separately from the personnel files. Everyone must complete the new Personal Health Screening Form (that complies with the CDC recommendations) which, upon completion gives you, the employee, the responsibility to closely monitor your health every day. To find this information, access MYJudson, the Employee Info tab, and look at the left hand column under Campus Forms. Select the Personal Health Screening questionnaire, the form will pop up for you to print, sign, and send the original document to Tena Robotham in the President’s Office.
Supervisors, since your student workers are unable to access the Employee Info tab you will need to have paper copies available for them to complete and make sure the form is brought to Tena Robotham.
The COVID-19 Daily Certification form will be available until Friday, August 28 for anyone who forgot to complete the form for any days that you worked on campus beginning June 1, 2020.
Each office is now required to keep a Visitors Log. The template for the Visitors Log can be found below the Personal Health Screening form. When a visitor comes to your office (not Judson staff members, faculty, or students), please ask the visitor the questions on the template (they do not complete the form) and sign them in and out of your office. This is part of Judson’s tracking and tracing of visitors. This template does not need to be submitted, but must be saved in your office in case it is needed for contact tracing. You will be notified when these forms are no longer needed.
If you have any questions, please contact Tena Robotham at [email protected] or 847-628-2002.