Judson’s Campus Announcements are sent every other week to the entire Judson community and are the best way share news about your programs and events. Here is the schedule for Campus Announcements for 2020 and 2021 academic year. Holidays and campus-wide event have been considered in this calendar. Dates for Campus Announcements are now part of the Campus Calendar.
Here’s a quicklink for you to fill out the form.
June 26
July 10, 24 and 31
August 14, 28
September 11, 25
October 2, 16, 30
Nov. 6, 20
Dec. 4, 18
January 8, 22
Feb. 5, 19
March 5, 19
April 1
May 14, 28
June 11, 25
July 9, 23
August 6, 13, 27
Please submit your Campus Announcement using the following form. Announcements are due by noon on Thursday, before Campus Announcements are produced.
Graphic files are needed for most announcements (jpeg files under 2MB files/Square or horizontal in orientation). If you need more immediate assistance please contact the Office of Communications at 847.628.2089 or email us at [email protected].