Effective June 4, staff, faculty, and student workers who are returning to the office will be vigilant in screening for the coronavirus. Starting June 1, Judson requires employees to complete a paper form for the COVID-19 Daily Certification for each day they are working on campus. As of Thursday, June 4, staff and faculty can now complete the COVID-19 Daily Certification electronically each day. To find this information, access MYJudson, the Employee Info tab, and look at the right hand column. Select the COVID-19 Daily Certification and the form will pop-up, for you to complete, then click Submit.
If you don’t have access to a computer you can use your phone and go the Judson website www.judsonu.edu, click on MYJudson, and enter your name and password. Go to the Employee Info tab and follow the directions above.
Supervisors, since your student workers are unable to access the Employee Info tab you will need to have them continue to complete the paper form each day they are in the office. Please scan these documents and e-mail them to [email protected] .
If you have any questions, please contact Tena Robotham at [email protected] or 847-628-2002.