The Judson Bookstore management firm, Follett, has emailed students directly with information how to return rented text books. Our contract with Follett ends today, but they continue to manage any return of rented books from the Spring semester. Please follow the directions they have provided to students directly or use this link.
Judson’s has already begun using our new online provider Akademos for the upcoming summer terms. Judson students can find all their course materials—including print books, eBooks, and digital subscriptions—on a university-branded website. The site will provide a fully personalized shopping experience, enabling students to see required and recommended materials for each registered course, along with several purchasing options for each item. The online bookstore also gives students seamless access to all of their digital course content in one convenient eLibrary.
The course materials platform will provide Judson faculty access to comprehensive adoption technology including an easy-to-use tool for building low-cost course packs. Analytics dashboards will provide Judson administration real-time data on course material adoptions, student purchasing trends, utilization, and student achievement. Customizable reporting and analytics technology supplies an overall picture into rising academic success and retention.
Please direct any questions regarding the new Judson Bookstore to Bryan Flickema. Bryan is working with staff across campus to provide new products and spirit wear for the Judson Spirit Store for the campus.