Sign up to Judson University Update to receive a free text message about campus closings due to weather and other similar messages. This new text service uses the free application REMIND, which can be downloaded to your phone. Nixle will continue to be used if there is a campus emergency such as a threat, a tornado warning, certain severe weather warnings. The Judson University Update will be used for all other notifications, including campus closings due to weather, power outages, maintenance issues, unexpected road or entrance closings due to non-emergency related incidents.
Judson encourages you to sign up for both services to ensure you are informed of important campus alerts.
To sign up for Judson University Update, download the Remind App and enter Judson University for the school or go to If requested, use the class code juupdate. Faculty and staff should sign up as teachers. Students should sign up as students.
To sign up for Nixle, students on the Elgin campus can text JUSTUDENT to 888777 from your cell phone to be entered into the service. If you are a Rockford student, text JUROCKFORD to 888777.