As part of Judson’s commitment to cultivating a healthy, thriving campus and workplace, the Judson administration has decided to partner with Vanderbloemen to survey our culture at Judson University. We will be conducting a Culture Survey that will enable us to improve faculty and staff culture by providing practical feedback on how you experience and interact with the workplace environment. The survey is completely anonymous (no name or email address is required), so we would appreciate your honest feedback.
The survey link will be available until Friday, December 13, so please schedule 30-60 minutes to take the 73-question survey.
We believe that building our best team not only means finding the right people but also retaining them…and culture is the backbone of retaining our best team members. We value your opinion and look forward to sharing and evaluating the results with you next semester.
Hear William Vanderbloemen’s welcome video
Culture Survey link for Full-time Staff
Culture Survey link for Full-time Faculty