The Judson community is invited to the C.S. Lewis Lecture at Evangelical Covenant Church of Elgin (1565 Larking Ave., Elgin) on Saturday, October 19. Presenters for the event are Dr. David C. Downing and Dr. Crystal Downing, co-directors of the Wade Center at Wheaton College, which is known internationally as the center for C.S. Lewis studies. The morning presentation is titled “The Most Reluctant Convert: The Spiritual Journey of C.S. Lewis,” while the afternoon session is “Scandalizing the Journey: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Influence on C.S. Lewis.” The event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes lunch for a $5 donation. Please reserve your spot by calling Murna Hansemann at 847-742-6431.