Jared Graham, a CIC Wealth Strategist from Wealth Through Ingenuity, will be on
Judson’s campus and available to meet with individuals for 30 to 60
minutes sessions on Wednesday, October 9, from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. and
on Thursday, October 10, from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the new Alumni Room in
the University Center. Please contact Tena Robotham [email protected] or call ext. 2002 to set
your appointment.
Mr. Graham is partnering with Judson University to design personal strategies
to help build wealth and minimize risk. By using sound economic principles,
we will educate you on the fallacies of the financial world and avoid
common pitfalls of today’s traditional financial plans. Through education,
organization, and coordination, we will help you exceed your financial goals.
We live in an unpredictable world. By using a macro approach and maximizing the
utility of every dollar, we can secure your wealth from unforeseen factors and
circumstances to ensure long term financial success. Our job is to keep your
financial engine running no matter what life throws at you.