The Council of Christian Colleges and Universities
(CCCU) has held a one-day conference for the past four years with the intention
of empowering women in leadership within Christian Higher Ed (see links below
the graphic for more info on this one-day conference). The Advancing Women in
Leadership (AWIL) conference has inspired us to create an AWIL chapter, the
first of its kind, at Judson University this fall. We are starting small, with
several informal “meet and greet” social gatherings, Judson
athletic events, plays, and worship
opportunities, etc.
Judson’s AWIL Chapter is open to all full-time
faculty and staff, women and men,
who have an interest in expanding leadership opportunities for women in
Christian Higher Education. The first on-campus meeting is Monday, October 7 from 4:00 – 5:00
p.m. in the Reed Room (please see graphic below for upcoming meeting
Please let Lanette Poteete-Young, Dana Pautsch, Aubree Flickema, or Gillian Stewart-Wells know
if you have any questions or ideas.