With the start of the new academic year, Judson is excited to announce the staff of the Judson University Wellness Center.
Sara Brunsting, who was one of our 2018-2019 interns, is officially joining our Wellness Center team as a Counselor and Administrative Assistant. Also, our campus Career Coach Doris Haugen will be joining the Wellness Center part-time as a Counselor. Dr. J. Scott Nelson and Dr. Amber Randolph will serve alongside Vice President for Student Success Ginny Guth to provide oversight and counseling services as needed.
Judson University is currently interviewing prospective candidates for the position of Director of Counseling and Wellness, who will oversee the Wellness Center and its staff, as well provide counseling services to students.
Susan Weber, RN, BSN, will continue to serve as your Campus Nurse, alongside Mark Thompson, MD, as your visiting doctor.
If you would like to receive counseling or health services through Judson University, please do not hesitate to call the Wellness Center at 847-628-2464 or email at [email protected].