New Speaker and Location Announced for Prayer Breakfast

Dr. Lawrence Drake, Judson University Trustee and president/CEO of LEAD-an organization focused on developing equal learning access models, will share inspiration with attendees based on his faith and life experience at the Annual Prayer Breakfast on May 4. Previously, he served for 21 years with The Coca-Cola Company, where he held several key positions and was responsible for franchising operations and financial performance in Western Africa. His role included political engagement, public policy and advocacy across 15 diverse countries while working globally with franchise ownership partners across Africa, Greece, Europe, Latin America and the United States.

Dr. Drake is currently chair of HOPE 360 Inc., an executive development consultancy. He has also served as interim president and CEO of the Executive Leadership Council, president of Haven Media Group and VP GM of the KFC Division, formerly owned by PepsiCo. As the first in his family to earn a college degree, Dr. Drake graduated from Georgia State and earned an MBA from Rockhurst University, where he was an Executive Fellow. He earned a Master’s in Psychology and a Doctorate in Psychology with an emphasis in media psychology from APA-accredited Fielding Graduate University He also holds certifications from the prestigious International Coaching Federation and is a member of Forbes Magazine’s Coaches Council.

The breakfast will be held at the Love Family Christian Foundation in downtown Elgin (310 E. Chicago St.) for the first time. This will allow the event to be more centrally located for attendees.

Nominations for the D. Ray Wilson Volunteer Service Award and the Bea Wilson Youth Volunteer Award. Help to recognize those giving back to their community through these annual awards given out at the Prayer Breakfast. 

Make your reservations to attend now. Individual ticket prices are $30. Table Sponsorships are $500. To purchase tickets, visit:

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